The libraries here are for use by developers writing software for RISC OS.

The SFLib library provides a range of functions to aid the implementation of non-Toolbox, event-driven RISC OS applications using OSLib.
The version here is in AOF format, for use with the RISC OS Open Desktop Development Environment. If you are looking for a version to use when building my software with the GCCSDK, you should download it from the source repository as described in the Build Tools section.
In order to use SFLib, you will require a minimum of RISC OS 3.10.

The WimpLib library provides a range of functions and procedures to assist developers writing BASIC applications under RISC OS.
The version here contains tokenised BASIC files, for use natively under RISC OS. If you are looking for a version to use when building my software, you should download it from the source repository as described in the Build Tools section.
In order to use WimpLib, you will require a minimum of RISC OS 3.10.