Strong Extract

Strong Extract is a cross-platform tool to extract the files from StrongHelp manuals. It is written in C, and can be compiled to run on platforms other than RISC OS.
It can provide details of the differences between the contents of a manual file and a corresponding collection of files on disc. Having done so, there is an option to update the disc copy to match the files contained in the manual.
There is also support for cross-platform handling of RISC OS filetypes.
The version of Strong Extract that is provided here is a standard RISC OS executable which can be used when developing software natively. If you’re looking for a version to use on Linux, you should see the Build Tools section.
In order to use Strong Extract, you will require:
- a minimum of RISC OS 3.10, and
- the 32-bit Shared C Library (version 5.43 or later), which is a standard part of RISC OS 5 and can be obtained for other systems as part of the System Resources download from RISC OS Open Ltd.