
WinEd is a template editor, whose founding aim was “to do everything which TemplEd could do, only better!”. It was originally written by Tony Houghton, who developed it until version 2.87 in 2003. Details of this version can be found on the archive of Tony’s site. Development was then picked up by Adam Richardson, who continued to maintain and improve WinEd until the release of version 3.22a in 2009. Details of Adam’s versions can be found on his website; the major releases were provided via PackMan, and also made available to download.
In common with most modern template editors, WinEd allows the windows contained within a Templates file to be accessed via a browser window.
Browsing the windows in a Templates file
Once a window is opened for editing, the various functions are accessible via a toolbar attached to the edge. WinEd has two modes of operation: in ‘edit’ mode icons and window furniture are always visible and selectable, while in ‘preview’ mode they will behave completely as they are defined to do. This makes the editing process much easier to carry out.
A window template open for editing
An icon picker provides a selection of ready-made Style Guide compliant icons which can be dragged in to windows for use.
The icon picker contains common icons, ready for use
WinEd has its own page on RISC, which should be viewed as the place to bookmark for updates.
This page provides a – possibly temporary – home from which to download versions of WinEd which have been built more recently than those mentioned above. Primarily intended to solve issues on modern hardware, further development of features might be considered if there is interest.

WinEd 3.25 and 3.27 both make non-backwards compatible changes to the configuration files. They will load existing saved options from earlier versions of WinEd, but choices saved from them will not load back into those earlier versions including 3.20 and 3.23. It might be advisable to take a backup copy of the files from within the Choices:WinEd folder if you plan to return to an earlier version of the software.
The changes in 3.27 have been made so that choices are saved in a more flexible, text-based format. This should reduce the need to make similar breaking changes in the future.
In order to use WinEd, you will require:
- a minimum of RISC OS 4.02, and
- the 32-bit Shared C Library (version 5.43 or later), which is a standard part of RISC OS 5 and can be obtained for other systems as part of the System Resources download from RISC OS Open Ltd.
Version history
The version history of WinEd back to version 3.23 is as follows:
3.27 (27 April 2024)
- A new Save templates sorted option to store the windows in alphabetical order in the file.
- Improvements to the template sorting algorithm used in Display templates sorted.
- Improvements to the template identifier sanity checks when loading files.
- Improvements to the sanity checks on the reserved fields in file headers, so that invalid files from older third-party editors can be loaded with user agreement.
- The filetypes of possible application sprite files (those found by proximity to the templates file) are now checked before loading them, to avoid bad sprite file errors.
- Choices are now saved in textual format, to simplify future changes and additions to the file contents.
- Improvements to the way that
are used. - A Default button in the Choices dialogue to reset the options to their defaults.
- The Round icon coordinates option has returned to Choices, and is no longer paired with Display templates sorted.
- Icon dimensions in the Monitor are updated when an icon is resized using an Adjust-double-click.
- Website links have been updated to current download page, to avoid issues with RISC being offline.
- Overhaul of the documentation, including a replacement of the text version of the manual with one matching the HTML documentation and the addition of the recent version history.
3.26 (29 August 2020)
- Fix a problem when loading templates whose names contain a % character, introduced in 3.20.
- Fix problem which left a window icon in the file browser when deleting an open window, introduced in 3.10.
- Fix problems with the handling of unsaved files during an aborted Desktop Shut-Down, which prevented WinEd from subsequently being quit.
- Disable all keypresses aside from Escape during drag operations, to avoid unexpected side effects.
- Check that there is a selected window in the template browser before attempting to operate on it.
- Improve interactive help messages throughout the application.
- Correct the behaviour of radio icons under Adjust clicks.
- Re-implement the icon export dialogue, resolving reported issues and adding typedef enum and #define options, optional name prefix, case conversion and invalid character substitution.
3.25 (28 July 2020)
- Resolve numerous additional NULL pointer dereferences in the menu handling code.
- Stop the overwrite check when files are saved to Wimp$Scrap as part of the Data Transfer Protocol.
- Add a Cancel button to the Resize Icons dialogue.
- Replace the arrows in the Align Icons dialogue with “left”, “right”, “up” and “down”.
- Allow the default action in the Icon Edit dialogue to be switched to updating the icon data without changing the icon’s dimenstions, using a new option in the Choices dialogue.
- Improve window scrolling, taking into account the contents of the browser and the statistics windows and supporting extended scroll requests when available. This includes the templates being edited, and for previews if such requests are enabled in the template.
- Ensure that template strings are correctly zero-terminated when passed to the debug logging system.
- Disable cursor key movement of selected icons during drag operations, to prevent the two interfering.
- Standardise the capitalisation of validation commands in the Icon Picker.
- Make the browser pane fill the complete width of the browser window in large screen modes.
- Correctly set the Max text length field in the Edit icon dialogue box for indirected, sprite-only icons.
- Limit ESG values to the range 0-15, in line with the changes made for Ursula.
- Ensure that the Save As dialogue closes after a save triggered by closing an unsaved file.
3.23 (17 June 2020)
- Resolve a significant NULL pointer dereference in the menu code, which made the application almost unusable with a High Vector ROM.